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Welcome to SickKids Foundation

When SickKids Foundation was established in 1972, the founding trustees recognized the Foundation could build upon the leadership of SickKids to help children across Canada. Since inception, more than $80 million has been granted coast to coast for children's health through our National Grants Program.
By providing funding across Canada, we hope to strengthen Canada's capacity and knowledge to respond to children's health needs nationally.

The National Grants Program has two main components:

New Investigator Research Grants
A focus of this program is ensuring there continues to be well-trained researchers across the country working to address the most pressing childhood diseases and conditions.
Start your New Investigators Research Grant Registration

Community Conference Grants
This program brings together families with researchers and clinicians for medical presentations and family-oriented discussions. It helps ensure knowledge exchange with families so that they are able to access the most up-to-date information about their children's health.
Start your Community Conference Grant Registration